During your CoreConnect installation, you will be able to choose a pre-configured infrastructure template to deploy and provision your CoreConnect environment. CoreConnect’s infrastructure templates are based on Pulumi, an open-source infrastructure as code tool that allows you to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages. Although you are not required to use these templates, they are recommended for a quick and easy deployment of your CoreConnect environment. is a global edge platform that makes it easy to deploy, run, and scale your applications. Unfortunately does not currently support Pulumi as a deployment method, but we have prepared a guide with some example files to help you easily deploy your CoreConnect application on
Technical details
Deploying CoreConnect’s back-end services on
This guide will help you deploy CoreConnect’s back-end services on and set up continuous deployment using GitHub Actions in the absence of Pulumi providers. Note that does not currently support Pulumi as a deployment method, there are some terraform providers available but they are not officially supported by or compatible with Pulumi.
This guide assumes that you have already set up your account and have the fly CLI installed on your local machine. If you haven’t done so, you can follow the instructions on the documentation.
Our example will go through the steps needed to deploy RabbitMQ, Gateway, and Functions applications on based on a typical CoreConnect repository structure from the CLI template. If your project is not set up in the same way, you may need to adjust the steps accordingly.
.+-- .github| +-- workflows| | +-- dev-deploy-functions.yml (copied from infrastructure/| | +-- dev-deploy-gateway.yml (copied from infrastructure/ backend| +-- CoreConnect.Gateway| | +-- fly.toml (copied from infrastructure/| | +-- Dockerfile (copied from infrastructure/| +-- CoreConnect.Functions| | +-- fly.toml (copied from infrastructure/| | +-- Dockerfile (copied from infrastructure/| +-- CoreConnect.sln+-- frontend| +-- storefront+-- infrastructure| +--| | +-- github-workflows| | | +-- dev-deploy-functions.yml| | | +-- dev-deploy-gateway.yml| | +-- gateway| | | +-- fly.toml| | | +-- Dockerfile| | +-- functions| | | +-- fly.toml| | | +-- Dockerfile| | +-- rabbitMQ| | | +-- fly.toml| | | +-- Dockerfile
Deploying RabbitMQ image
Copy the files (Dockerfile, fly.toml and prod.conf) from infrastructure/
to the respective application directory and make the necessary changes (if any) to those files.
fly cli
- Login in the
Terminal window fly auth login - Create, configure the rabbit app in and create the toml file
Terminal window fly launch --no-deploy - Set the rabbitMQ user password secret
Terminal window RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=[userpassword] - Deploy the rabbitMQ app in
Terminal window fly deploy
Example of rabbitMQ toml file
# fly.toml app configuration file generated for rabbit-cfb on 2024-05-15T16:41:38+01:00## See for information about how to use this file.#
app = 'rabbit-cfb'primary_region = 'mad'
[[vm]] memory = '1gb' cpu_kind = 'shared' cpus = 1
[[services]] protocol = "tcp" internal_port = 5672
[[services.tcp_checks]] interval = "15s" timeout = "1m0s" grace_period = "1s"
[[services]] protocol = "tcp" internal_port = 15672
[[services.ports]] port = 15672 handlers = ["tls", "http"]
[[services.tcp_checks]] interval = "15s" timeout = "1m0s" grace_period = "1s"
Connect to RabbitMQ management
Create a proxy (rabbit-getsales is the app name):
fly proxy -a rabbit-getsales 15672
Now, the RabbitMQ management can be connected through http://localhost:15672/
Remove the rabbitMQ app
If the app needs to be removed:
fly apps destroy rabbit-getsales
Deploying Gateway and Functions applications
The Gateway and Functions applications are deployed using the same steps. The only difference is the Dockerfile and fly.toml files used for each application.
First we will copy the files from the infrastructure/
and infrastructure/
directories to the respective application directories. You might need to replace the existing Dockerfiles but that’s okay as the original ones are set up for Azure.
After the files have been copied, we modify the fly.toml files to match the desired application name and non-sensitive environment variables.
Here’s an example of a fly.toml file for the Gateway application:
# fly.toml app configuration file generated for coreconnect-gateway on 2024-05-13T10:17:57-06:00## See for information about how to use this file.#
app = 'coreconnect-gateway'primary_region = 'ams'
[http_service] internal_port = 8080 force_https = true auto_stop_machines = true auto_start_machines = true min_machines_running = 0 processes = ['app']
[[vm]] memory = '1gb' cpu_kind = 'shared' cpus = 1
[env] Logging__LogLevel__Default = "Information" AllowedHosts = "*" Plugins = "CoreConnect.Commerce.CommerceTools, CoreConnect.Commerce.GraphQL, CoreConnect.Payments.PayNL, CoreConnect.Queue.RabbitMQ, CoreConnect.SimpleTimer" PayNL__ServiceLocation = "SL-2047-3902" PayNL__ApiUrl = "" PayNL__ImagesUrl = "" PayNL__TestMode = "true" PayNL__OrderPaidApiUrl = "" PayNL__CountrySpecificServiceLocations__0__Locale = "NL" PayNL__CountrySpecificServiceLocations__0__ServiceLocation = "SL-2047-3902" PayNL__CountrySpecificServiceLocations__1__Locale = "PT" PayNL__CountrySpecificServiceLocations__1__ServiceLocation = "SL-5114-8542" CommerceTools__AuthorizationBaseAddress = "" CommerceTools__Scope = "manage_project:rb2-demo" CommerceTools__ProjectKey = "rb2-demo" CommerceTools__ApiBaseAddress = "" TokenValidation__Issuer = "coreconnect" TokenValidation__Audience = "commercetools" RabbitMQ__Host = "amqp://admin:[email protected]:5672/" RabbitMQ__UserName = "admin"
Note the RabbitMQ__Host
environment variable, which should be set to the RabbitMQ service (that we deployed on the previous step) internal’s URL.
First deployment
Before deploying the first version of the services’ docker images, we need to create the applications on To do this, we open the terminal on the corresponding application directory and run the following command:
fly launch --no-deploy
Follow the instructions on the terminal to create the application making sure to select the desired region and organization. After the application has been created, it’s a good idea to add the sensitive environment variables as secrets to the application. This can be done by either running the following command for each secret:
Or directly on the dashboard:
Note that the secrets will only be available to the application after the first deployment.
GitHub Actions for continuous deployment
Once the applications have been created and the secrets have been set, we can set up GitHub Actions to deploy the applications on each push to the main branch.
For standard CoreConnect repositories, we have provided example GitHub Actions workflows that can be copied to the .github/workflows
directory and run without any modification.
Let’s take a look at the dev-deploy-gateway.yml
name: Dev Deploy - Gatewayon: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - main paths: - "backend/CoreConnect.Gateway/**" - ".github/workflows/dev-deploy-gateway.yml"jobs: deploy: name: Deploy app runs-on: ubicloud steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: superfly/flyctl-actions/setup-flyctl@master - run: 'dotnet nuget update source github-rb2 -u unused -p ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }} --store-password-in-clear-text --configfile ./nuget.config' working-directory: ./backend env: GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }} - name: Build and Push Docker Image working-directory: ./backend run: flyctl deploy --config ./CoreConnect.Gateway/fly.toml --dockerfile ./CoreConnect.Gateway/Dockerfile --wait-timeout "10m" env: FLY_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FLY_API_TOKEN }}
As you can see, the workflow is triggered on each push to the main branch and only runs when changes are made to the Gateway application (including the fly.toml
file where the env variables are set) or the workflow file itself.
There are 2 mandatory secrets that will be needed for the workflow to run, these are the github Personal Access Token (GH_PAT
) with access to the CoreConnect NuGet packages and the API token (FLY_API_TOKEN
) for the deployment.
Deploying to the production environment
Once you are ready to go live, you will want to create new environments on for the production/staging applications.
To do this you can just create a new toml file for each application (e.g. fly-prod.toml
) and a corresponding GitHub Actions workflow file (e.g. prod-deploy-gateway.yml
) pointing to this new file and a specific branch (e.g. production
You can now follow the same steps as before to deploy the applications to the new environments, just make sure to specify the correct toml file on your fly launch
command (e.g. fly launch --no-deploy --config ./fly-prod.toml
Notes about the production environment: The provided configuration files are set up on a basic infrastructure level and should be ok for the dev environment. However, for production, you might want to consider setting up a more robust infrastructure with multiple regions, autoscaling, and other features that provides. We will provide more information on this in the future.
Azure ContainerApps
By choosing this infrastructure template, you will be able to deploy your CoreConnect environment on Azure using ContainerApps and Azure Service Bus.
Technical details
Core Connect Infrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as Code for Azure Container Apps
The structure of the pulumi project
The index.ts
file is the entry point of the pulumi project. Inside this file, you can find the following:
- First we set up a Azure Resource Group
- Then we set up a Azure Vault
- Then we set up a container registiry
- Then we set up the Azure Service Bus (ASB) using
Install Pulumi
Install pulumi:
- Install Pulumi CLI on macOS using Homebrew:
brew install pulumi/tap/pulumi
Install Azure CLI
- Install Azure CLI on macOS using Homebrew:
brew install azure-cli
Authenticate to Azure & Pulumi
- The Azure CLI’s default authentication method for logins uses a web browser and access token to sign in
az login
- Set the default subscription for all Azure operations
az account set -s 'rb2 sandbox'
- Manage your Pulumi stacks by logging in.
pulumi login
- Set the default destination org for all stack operations
pulumi org set-default rb2
- List stacks
pulumi stack ls
- Choose a stack, or create a new one
pulumi stack <create a new stack>
e.g. pulumi stack rb2/dev
How to provision the infrastructure
- To create or update the stack, run
pulumi up
and selectyes
to perform the deployment. Make sure you’re using the correct stack and have the right Azure subscription selected.
pulumi up
How to destroy the infrastructure
⚠️ Be very cautious here, this action will destroy all resources
- Run
pulumi stack ls
to list all the stacks inside the pulumi state (cloud) - Run
pulumi stack select <stack-name>
to select the stack you want to destroy - Run
pulumi destroy
to destroy the infrastructure of the selected stack before removing the stack from Pulumi Cloud
How to remove the Pulumi Stack from the Pulumi Cloud
⚠️ Be very cautious here, this will remove the stack from the pulumi state (cloud) and you will not be able to recover it withouth a Pulumi Enterprise license.
- Run
pulumi stack ls
to list all the stacks inside the pulumi state (cloud)
pulumi stack ls
- Run
pulumi stack select <stack-name>
to select the stack you want to remove
pulumi stack select <stack-name>
- Run
pulumi stack rm
to remove the stack from the pulumi state (cloud)
pulumi stack rm
Storing secrets inside the pulumi config
To store secrets inside the pulumi config, you need to use the --secret
flag. For storing secrets in the nested
object, see below:
How to store secrets inside nested objects of the pulumi config
Normally, you can just follow the basic docs to store secrets. But when storing secrets inside a nested config, you need to do the following:
Use the following command for example to store a encrypted secret inside the config:
pulumi config set --secret --path --secret commerce-platform:databaseConfig.administratorLoginPassword VERY_SECRET_VALUE
This will create the following inside the file:
config: commerce-platform:databaseConfig: administratorLoginPassword: secure: <some encrypted value>
To access this value inside the code:
interface DatabaseConfig { administratorLoginPassword: any;}
const globalConfig = new pulumi.Config();
const databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig = globalConfig.requireObject("databaseConfig");
const administratorLoginPassword = pulumi.secret( databaseConfig.administratorLoginPassword);